By Charles on Wednesday, 06 July 2016
Category: SOC Reports

SOC 2 Type 1 & Type 2 Audit Reports | Los Angeles, California

NDB Accountants & Consultants, LLP (NDB), one of California’s most well-established compliance firms, offers high-quality, fixed fee pricing for SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 assessments. With the growing regulatory compliance drumbeat getting louder each year, businesses are having to undergo annual SOC 2 Type 1 and SOC 2 Type 2 assessments, so turn to the experts today at NDB, leading providers of audit and advisory services to California businesses for more than a decade. We offer the entire spectrum of SOC 2 services, from SOC 2 readiness assessments to remediation services & solutions, along with SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 audits. Additionally, we also offer numerous supporting compliance services, such as those for HIPAA, PCI DSS, FISMA, and more. Call and speak with CPA Christopher Nickell at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 706 to learn more, or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today.

SOC 2 Type 1 & Type 2 Audit Reports | Los Angeles, California
One of the biggest and most time-consuming mandates regarding SOC 2 compliance is providing auditors with various information security policies and procedures for showcasing an organization’s system of internal controls. The problem, however, is that most companies simply lack this type of documentation, along with also lacking the internal resources for developing all necessary policies and procedures, but NDB can assist, and it’s why businesses turn to us for regulatory compliance, and so should you. As trusted leaders in the world of regulatory compliance, NDB offers the following SOC 2 services to California businesses:

1. SOC 2 Scoping & Readiness Assessments: Beginning any audit – especially a SOC 2 assessment – requires a comprehensive evaluation of one’s internal controls – specifically – what business processes are in scope, what control deficiencies exist and how to correct them, and much more. NDB’s SOC 2 scoping & readiness assessment successfully achieves all of this, and more. When successfully completed, a SOC 2 readiness assessment provides your organization with important answers to many of the most pressing questions on regulatory compliance. Even more, you’re given much needed clarity, transparency, and a workable roadmap when it comes to long-term success for your audit, and that’s incredibly important. Call and speak with CPA Christopher Nickell at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 706 to learn more, or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today.

2. Information Security Policy and Procedures Writing: What’s the most demanding and time-consuming – and also very tedious – aspect of SOC 2 compliance? If you answered that it’s information security policies and procedures, you’re correct. Most companies simply don’t have the internal manpower – or expertise –for authoring the dozens of much-needed information security policies for today’s demanding regulatory compliance mandates, but NDB does. In fact, we offer an exclusive SOC 2 Policy Packet – free to our valued clients – when they become a part of the NDB family. Call and speak with CPA Christopher Nickell at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 706 to learn more, or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today.

3. Technical and Operational Controls Remediation: A SOC 2 readiness assessment may very well unearth numerous control deficiencies relating to technical and operational areas. From weak passwords to incorrectly configured firewall or router rulesets – and more – there’s often work to be done in terms of strengthening various security protocols. While it’s needed for helping ensure a successful audit process, it’s also a best practice that every business should be performing, regardless of any compliance mandates. NDB can provide personnel to help execute and correct such control deficiencies – experts independent from the audit – which is one of just many reasons why businesses all throughout North America are choosing us.

4. SOC 2 Type 1 and SOC 2 Type 2 Reports: While NDB offers both SOC 2 Type 1 reporting and SOC 2 Type 2 reporting, it’s all the support services that truly make the difference when choosing a CPA firm for your compliance mandates. Specifically, we provide in-depth readiness assessments, along with offering comprehensive information security policy writing services, remediation solutions, and continuous monitoring efforts for our clients. We’re the one-stop shop for regulatory compliance, and we’ve been hard at work for many years perfecting our audit delivery services for California businesses in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and beyond. Call and speak with CPA Christopher Nickell at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 706 to learn more, or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today.

5. Continuous Compliance Reporting Initiatives: One of the most important elements of SOC 2 compliance – and a best practice that every business should be performing – is the concept of “continuous monitoring.” What is continuous monitoring – it’s the application of monitoring one’s internal controls on structured basis for helping ensure a strong system of checks and balances are integrated into a businesses’ daily operations. It’s about ensuring your policies, procedures, and processes are performing as expected. If you think about it, the concept of continuous monitoring makes sense from a number of perspectives, and it’s why NDB offers such services as part of our SOC 2 audits.